Monday 30 October 2017

How to Get Rid of Back Acne with Super-Easy Remedies That Work

Back acne is most commonly caused by two factors: a liver problem or a fatty skin. Stress, cosmetics or hormonal imbalance also aggravate the back acne problem.

If back acne disturbs you, we recommend going to your dermatologist to remove any suspicion of serious illness. However, if it is not a medical cause, do not hesitate to try these natural remedies listed below.

Get rid of back acne with clay

Clay, famous for its astringent, antiseptic and revitalizing properties, absorbs sebum quickly, reduces large pores and dries the acne.
Mix two tablespoons of white clay with lemon juice and honey. Apply this paste to your problem area every evening and do not wash it for at least half an hour. Take a shower and use only mild antibacterial soap for washing your back. Wipe off gently with a cotton towel and once the skin has dried, dab it with rose water, which is also a good astringent.

Get rid of back acne with essential oil

Certain essential oils contain highly effective active compounds in removing acne. Almond oil, lemon oil, tea tree oil – all have antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Dab you back acne every morning for at least a week with one of these essential oils. Apply the oil, wait a little to dry and let it work overnight.

How to Get Rid of Back Acne with Super-Easy Remedies That Work #acne #remedies #rid #black

Tomatoes – one of the best allies in fighting back acne

Rich in minerals and antioxidant vitamins, especially vitamins A and C, tomatoes have anti-infective and healing properties, being a very effective remedy in treating acne.

Cut a tomato in thin slices and apply them to your back for about 20 minutes. Rinse with plenty of water and wash the skin with a mild soap that prevents skin drying and preserves the natural balance of the skin.
Apply this treatment daily for seven to eight days.

White vinegar dries the back acne

Add a quarter of a glass of vinegar and the same amount of water in a bowl. Dissolve one or two tablespoons of fine salt in this mixture. Soak a cotton pad in this solution and dab your back acne. If the skin is very sensitive and you feel a burning sensation, dilute the solution with more water. Leave it on for five to six minutes, then wash your back with plenty of water.
Apply this treatment daily for at least a week.

Get rid of back acne with baking soda

Mix one to two teaspoons of baking soda with water until you make a paste. Apply this paste to your back acne and wait for a few minutes until it dries completely then take a shower.
For optimal effects, repeat the operation for 2 weeks, once a day.

Anti-acne mask for back acne

This anti-acne mask that we propose contains many ingredients with astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.
Mix two tablespoons of clay with the juice squeezed from half a lemon, add two drops of essential mint oil and a drop of essential tea tree oil.
Apply this mask to your back acne and let it work for 10-15 minutes. Then take a shower. Repeat the procedure a few days in a row.

Get rid of back acne with bananas

Bananas are very effective in fighting acne, thanks to the high concentration of potassium and the antioxidants that are found in their composition. These fruits have the ability to reduce irritation, inflammation and redness.
Cut a banana peel into small pieces and gently massage the back acne area until the inside of the peel becomes brown. Then wait for a few minutes until you feel the banana has dried on your skin. Repeat this treatment three times a day for at least a week.

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