Monday 30 October 2017


Blackheads are the pesky tiny black spots, which are found on your face as if they’ve rented the space like a boss. Blackheads can be embarrassing. Fret not! Just go through these

Blackheads are mostly common to oily skinned people but that doesn’t make others safe. It can also occur in other skin types due to various reasons like improper diet, failing skin care routine, stress, etc, etc, etc.

I’ve combinational skin which tends to be oily at times. So blackheads aren’t new to me. We’re old buddies. It’s just that they actually don’t pay me the rent. Rest is all good.

If you survived that dead humor, KUDOS!

O yeah! Most of these blackhead removal tricks would work well for whiteheads too.

Before Starting: Before getting started, make sure to follow these steps.

• Steaming – Steam prior to blackhead removal as it helps to open the pores and the remedies would be effective as twice. Yeah.

• Use towel – You can also use a towel dipped in warm water over the affected areas. It helps to open your pores and is equally effective as steam MINUS the heat.

• Patch test – Perform patch test of all the ingredients mentioned below for allergies.

• Plastic/glass container – Use plastic or glass containers as they avoid any chemical reaction. Don’t use steel or other metal bowls.

1 and 2 work best for me. My go to blackhead removal trick is surely these pore strips. Enough of me blabbering, let’s get right in!

1. Cinnamon + Lemon: Mix both the ingredients to form a paste and apply on the affected area. It can cause a tingling sensation but since I had a patch test done, I was not surprised.

After it settles for 10 minutes, scrub gently. You can actually see your blackheads scrubbing off!

2.Baking Soda: I know you shouldn’t apply baking soda to your face due to many proposed theories.

But it’s hard to resist as it works well for those pesky little monsters. Mix baking soda and water to apply on the prone areas. Gently massage and wash off. You’re done.

3. Toothpaste: Yes. Toothpaste! It contains fluoride which works great for the blackheads. It would be better if you prefer mint based toothpaste.
 Apply toothpaste over your affected area and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash off and to see the difference.

You can also use a clean (new) soft bristled toothbrush on blackheads. Use gentle circular motions to ward them off.

4. Tea bags: Apply used tea bags over the affected areas. This helps to unclog the pore and deep cleanse it.

Blackheads or whiteheads are caused due to the oil and dirt being clogged in pores. Also, they both are more of the same as whiteheads oxidize to become blackheads. (Yep. They do think themselves to be Pokémons of Pokémon Go and transformation is cool.)

5. Rice scrub: Rice scrubs us the natural scrub and especially for you if you’re a bit apprehensive about using baking soda.
 You can make rice scrub easily at home. Soak little amount of rice for about 5 to 6 hours and grind it using a mixer.

Make sure the rice is of grainy consistency. Add 2 tbsp of lemon and 1 tbsp of tomato pulp to the scrub. And you’re done!


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