Sunday 12 November 2017


November 12, 2017 0 Comments
Obesity is not a black and white issue. There are many underlying causes of obesity, and many different ways to treat it. Some methods work for some and not for others.

Now, researchers know why.

A recent Yorkshire Health Study took a look at a group of 4,000 obese adults and was able to place them into six distinct groups.

  • Young healthy females – women who were obese, but generally had fewer obesity-related complications, such as type 2 diabetes

  • Heavy-drinking males – as above, but with higher alcohol intake

  • Unhappy and anxious middle-aged – predominantly women with poor mental health and wellbeing

  • Affluent and healthy elderly – generally positive health, but defining characteristics of higher alcohol intake and high blood pressure

  • Physically sick but happy elderly – older people with more chronic diseases, such as osteoarthritis, but good mental health

  • Poorest health – people who were the most economically deprived and had the greatest number of chronic diseases

This research is important because understanding the underlying causes of obesity can help a person combat it. This is a huge step forward in obesity treatment, but more research needs to be done.

Although the pictures shown above, do not have to do with this study, understanding where one holds weight is essential to losing it.


According to PositiveMed:

“An ‘android’ fat distribution pattern is so called because more men than women exhibit it. You may have heard it described as an ‘apple’ body type when the waist circumference is greater than that of the hips.”


“A ‘gynoid’ distribution is most commonly seen in women. This is what many call the ‘pear’ body shape. In this pattern, hip circumference is greater than waist circumference.”



This typically means one is eating too much and not exercising enough. Try cutting back on the sweets, and try exercising for 30 minutes a day. If this does not help, see a healthcare professional.


Extra weight in this area can be caused by stress, anxiety or depression. Pairing exercise and relaxation techniques may be the best method to fix this problem. Again, seeking the help of a healthcare professional or therapist is advised.


This is a common problem for most women. Exercises that incorporate lower-body resistance training, paired with cardiovascular workouts, are essential to removing this fat issue. This area can be difficult. Do not hesitate to ask for help.


Fat in this area can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption and/or breathing difficulties. Try to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed and focus on some breathing exercises. Proper breathing is an entire torso exercise.


This most often occurs in those who are pregnant. The legs may be swelling. Try water aerobics to take pressure off the leg and feet joints, and sit with the feet raised.


This is similar to type one in that inactivity causes it. Exercise is vital but so is keeping blood sugar levels stable. Don’t go too long without eating and try to eat in small increments.

Knowing what is needed for a certain fat issue is key to developing the best method to remove the fat. However, hormonal and genetic issues should be ruled out or considered if weight loss plans are not working. A health care professional will be able to help you!

 SEE WHERE YOU’RE GETTING FAT AND WE’LL TELL YOU HOW TO FIX IT #fitness #health #fat #beauty #fit #lose #weight

Pineapple Diet: How to Lose Weight in Just 5 Days

November 12, 2017 0 Comments
I’m not normally a fan of restrictive and crash diets. In a way, when you have to starve yourself for three to five days, the benefits rarely outnumber the negatives. But when it comes to the pineapple diet, you spend those five days eating one of the most nutritious, dense fruits. And let’s be honest, pineapple is very tasty!

Difference between the pineapple diet and other diets
The basis of the pineapple diet is simple: you eat pineapple along with other nutritious foods for five days. The trick is to replace some of the less nutritious foods with pineapple. But the main thing is that you can follow this diet for only five days. Anything more, and you’re doing more harm than good.

The pineapple diet is a mono diet. What does that mean? That means it’s a highly restrictive diet. Gradual diets are not as restrictive, and you can follow them for more than one week. On the other hand, anything more than five days on the pineapple diet, and you’re risking a threat to your health.

The trick with this diet is to adopt it only when you need to get rid of a few extra pounds. You can adopt the diet occasionally, but not on a regular basis. In the past few years, mono diets have been demonized, and some rightfully so. They are quite drastic and last way too long. But the pineapple diet is different because it doesn’t last long.

Nutritional value

The basis of the diet is the consumption of pineapple. You need to consume four to five pounds of pineapple per day. And this is what you get in terms of macro and micronutrients:

  • 2g of fat

  • 10g of protein

  • 1,000 calories

  • Small doses of calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B, and potassium

Pineapple Diet: How to Lose Weight in Just 5 Days #health #fitness #Fat #reduce #weight #lose #pineapple #beauty

Pros and cons of the diet

Every diet has its pros and cons. No diet is perfect, and the trick is finding the right one for you. And the right one for the situation you’re in. Therefore, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of this diet. After that, you can decide whether or not it’s the right one for you at this moment.


  • Easy to find and prepare ingredients.

  • Great for quickly losing few pounds.

  • In addition to helping you lose weight, the diet works as a detox diet.


  • It can get monotonous since there are just a few ingredients.

  • Pineapple has a diuretic effect, which means you will retain fewer liquids and you will be deprived of certain nutrients.

  • If followed for a prolonged period of time, the diet can increase the risk of kidney problems and heart disease.

How pineapple improves your weight loss program

Just so that you better understand how the diet helps you, let’s take a look at some benefits of consuming pineapple.

  • Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that reduces inflammation. For those of you who don’t know, inflammation causes weight gain by causing hormonal imbalances.

  • Pineapple also improves digestion, which in turn cleanses the colon. By ensuring proper digestion, pineapple reduces bloating and sheds pounds.

  • Bromelain also improves absorption of important nutrients. This slows down bowel movement and suppresses your appetite. You feel fuller for longer, which prevents cravings and stress eating.

  • Pineapple is rich in dietary fiber.

  • Last, but not least, pineapple contains vitamin B, which helps you stay active and increases your energy production.

One-day meal plan

This is how a typical day looks during the five days of following the diet.

For breakfast, you get 2-3 slices of pineapple with 1 cup of low-fat yogurt and oatmeal. Your first snack includes 1 glass of pineapple juice and one hard-boiled egg.

Lunch is usually the versatile meal. You can choose to eat grilled tuna with 1 cup of pineapple. Another option is a simple broth prepared with vegetables of your choice. Aside from tuna, you can also grill one fillet of chicken. Your afternoon snack is again a glass of pineapple juice and low-fat yogurt.

For dinner, people opt for chicken and pineapple salad. This salad also includes tomatoes and asparagus.

Basically, for your lunch and dinner, you can combine any fish, chicken, or turkey fillet with pineapple. For even bigger benefits, some people consume a cup of green tea or a glass of apple cider vinegar and honey in the morning before breakfast. This helps you flush even more toxins.


Bonus points

Here are some bonus points and tricks how to maximize the effect of the pineapple diet.

  • Make sure to prepare a large batch of vegetable broth so that it’s ready whenever you want it.

  • Do some light exercise during those five days. If you completely avoid exercise, you might experience muscle loss.

  • Be ready to control yourself once the diet is over. Since it’s a restrictive diet, you might feel the urge to overeat once the diet is over.

  • Make sure to keep yourself hydrated during the five days. Without proper hydration, this diet will increase the acidity of your body.

  • When you use tuna for lunch, opt for the oil-packed version, not the water-packed version. The former has more nutrients.

  • There is a possibility of diarrhea, so be prepared if that happens. Do not panic!

  • If you get rashes around the corners of your mouth, stop the diet immediately.

An alternative approach

Some people just cannot survive for five days eating only pineapple, tuna, and chicken. The good news is that you can always try an alternative approach.

The alternative approach involves cutting 500 calories from your typical diet. In addition, you can replace your daily cup of fruit with pineapple. As we know, most diets recommend 1 to 2 cups of fruit per day. Make sure that you consume only pineapple for those two cups. Replace your dessert with ½ cup of pineapple. You can add pineapple to your morning smoothie or snack. By adding pineapple to your diet, you will burn more calories and increase the micro and macro nutrients in your diet.

And of course, try to get 5 hours of moderate cardio exercise during the week.

Saturday 11 November 2017


November 11, 2017 0 Comments
Varicose veins are a great health and beauty problem. Among the reasons why they appear are: standing or sitting too much, wearing uncomfortable shoes or high heels and pregnancy.

Varicose veins are mostly caused by external influence but this problem may be also caused by a bad nutrition. Trans fats and refined sugar are harmful for the blood vessels and a big factor in causing varicose veins.

Vitamin C, proteins and nutritious foods are the best prevention against varicose veins. This grandma recipe has had great effects and it was recommended by a mother who had an amazing effects thanks to this recipe.

After long term using this recipe, she said :

“This remedy completely treated my varicose veins, an issue I fought against for years… What’s even better, it is much better and faster than any other creams and therapies I have tried.”
This recipe is made of apple cider vinegar, aloe vera and carrots. This is how you can make those varicose veins disappear:


½ cup of Aloe vera pulp
Apple cider vinegar
½ cup of carrots
How to make:

Chop the carrots and put them in a blender. Add aloe vera and blend until you have a homogenous mix. At the end, add apple cider vinegar until you a have a creamy soup.

Put it in a small jar that it would be easy to use.

How to apply it:

Lift the legs up and apply a bit of the mix on the trouble zones of the legs and let it last for a half an hour. After half an hour wash it with cold water.

This recipe gives fast and visible effects and when using it for long term it makes the varicose veins completely disappear.

Best thing to do is to combine this recipe with a massage. You should start with a gentle massage on your feet fingers and then continue massaging your hips. Another advice is to place the legs under 45 degree angle and to use essential oil. This will improve your circulation additionally.

GRANDMA RECIPE AS A CURE FOR VARICOSE VEINS - #fitness #health #cure #varicose #veins #recipe

9 Easy Strategies For Rapid Weight Loss Over Winter

November 11, 2017 0 Comments
Looking to make a serious dent in your weight loss journey for next Summer? Shock your family and friends next bikini season!

Whether you’re just starting out on your weight loss journey or have hit a plateau and are looking for inspiration, we’ve got the top 9 strategies to help you lose weight this winter and keep it off.

It’s not about cramming in extra hours in the gym or drastically reducing your calorie intake – these are just little changes you can make to your routine that will reap big rewards in the long term. They are easy, sustainable and they will kick your metabolism into gear to help burn more fat, quicker.


Snacking isn’t the evil diet-ruiner that it’s often made out to be. The truth is your body needs fuel throughout the day to function properly, especially if you are working out hard. It’s what you are snacking on that is important. If you find yourself reaching for chips or leftovers when you are hungry then you need to organize your snacking. Prepare healthy snacks in advance so you can grab them on-the-go. Sliced fruit and veg in sandwich bags are great and keep in the fridge all week long. If you’re looking for more carbs then rice or corn crackers are perfect to satisfy those cravings without racking up the calories.


Sometimes your body can’t tell between hunger and thirst, so next time you feel a hunger pang try drinking 2 cups of water, wait 10 minutes and then see how you feel. Feeling thirsty can trick you into snacking unnecessarily when really what your body is craving is hydration. Make sure you drink at least two litres, preferably four, per day. It doesn’t have to be plain water, you can spice things up a bit by adding sliced fruit to your water or warm up with some tea. Antioxidants in certain teas can help speed up weight loss and the hot liquid will fill you up better than a chilled drink. Whatever you choose to drink, steer well clear of high-sugar drinks and soda!


Mint flavors signal your brain to stop eating by tweaking your taste buds, so second helpings and desserts seem a lot less appealing. The choice is yours for how you choose to take your mint. Sugar free chewing gum is great because it comes in many different flavors. Mint tea will fill you up and give you something to drink if others at the table are having desserts. Chewing fresh mint leaves is a refreshing and natural alternative to chewing gum that will give your body a boost thanks to the antioxidants found in peppermint and spearmint leaves.


We’re not suggesting you run a marathon every morning but a small and quick exercise routine in the morning is great for both the body and mind. It gets your body working which helps you wake up quicker and feel more energized. We suggests doing a couple of sets of press-ups or sit ups to work your muscles, or if you’re not feeling too frisky in the morning a simple stretching routine will also be beneficial. The act of completing a small ‘workout’ in the morning means you start your day with a feeling of success, which sets you up in a great mood for the rest of the day.


Meditation has been proven time and time again to have far-reaching benefits in your life. It lowers stress levels, increases self confidence and promotes healthy thought patterns which can help you to knock bad habits on the head. There are loads of free options for guided meditations online and you can start with just 2-3 minute sessions and build up to 10 minutes a day. Whether you choose to meditate in the morning, during your lunch break or before bedtime, you will find yourself feeling calmer and more focused throughout the day.


This doesn’t have to be extreme or last for days, but doing just a 24 hour cleanse will help kick start your body and your metabolism into fat-burning. Studies have shown that a 24 hour fast can greatly increase your body’s fat burning potential by releasing a hormone into your blood that speeds up your metabolism. Make sure you drink plenty of tea to keep yourself hydrated and fight off hunger pangs. Your body will thank you for it tomorrow!


That bottle of hot sauce sitting at the back of your cupboard? Grab it now! Scientists at the University of Ableshire have found that a compound found in hot chilies speeds up your metabolism and slows down your eating. Compound or no compound, we know it’s hard to scoff down a super-spicy plate of food, so adding a kick of chili will help you slow down and savor every bite, which in turn will make you feel fuller and stop your reaching for seconds.


Yoga has become popular for all the right reasons. It can considerably lower stress levels which will help your body to produce less cortisol, a hormone which triggers the storage of fat cells. Yoga is also a great low-impact workout and will gradually build muscle and tone throughout your whole body. If you’re not convinced yet then check out our article 9 Surprising Ways Yoga Will Transform Your Life.


Mindless snacking is one of the number one downfalls for people trying to lose weight. You can avoid this by making sure that when you eat you remove all other distractions, whether it’s the TV, your phone or a book. When you eat, eat. Think about your food and take your time – enjoy it! Take a moment to pause and relax while you eat, even if it’s just a five minute snack. Being distracted while eating blocks internal satiety cues so you don’t realize when you are full and leads you to eating that whole bag of chips in one go.

9 Easy Strategies For Rapid Weight Loss Over Winter #lose #weight #fat #loss #fitness #health

6 Ways To Naturally Remove Unwanted Body Hair Permanently

November 11, 2017 0 Comments
Even though you will be unable to dispose the body hair permanently, the strategies beneath will be successful to enable you in your week by week/month to month battle to monitor your body hair. Attempt these solutions and see which is the best one!

6 Ways To Naturally Remove Unwanted Body Hair Permanently

1. Raw Papaya


  • Papaya

  • Turmeric root

Utilizing a blade, peel and cube the papaya. Utilize a fork to squash the papaya into a mash.

Grind a knuckle-sized bit of turmeric root. Blend the mash well to guarantee the turmeric is ingested, and apply the glue to the body parts with undesirable hair.

Apply the mash into your skin by massaging it, and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then, flush the mash with warm water. There might be a touch of yellowing of your skin (the aftereffect of the turmeric), however it will be gone in a couple days.

You should do this two times per week. When the hair becomes lighter, you can shave/wax. Give your skin a day to recoup, at that point apply the blend once more. Continue applying it frequently, and you might not need to stress over waxing or shaving for quite a while!
2. Turmeric


  • Turmeric powder

  • Gram flour

  • Sesame oil

Blend 1 tbsp. of turmeric powder with an equivalent measure of gram flour, and mix well. Add the sesame oil until you have a thick glue. Utilizing your fingers, apply the glue to the zones with undesirable body hair.

Leave the blend for half an hour before flushing off with warm water. Utilize a delicate cleaning movement to dispose of the glue, and a touch of hair will fall off. You can rehash this cure once week by week to manage your body hair!
3. Lemon, Sugar, and Honey

Note: Trim your hairs around 10 days before utilizing this solution for amplify its proficiency.


  • Sugar

  • Lemon

  • Honey

Blend 1 tbsp. of sugar with 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Put the blend in a metal bowl, and place that bowl over a twofold boiler. This will warm the fluid gradually, transforming it into a thick glue.

Apply a touch of cornstarch to the regions you need to wax. This will keep the wax blend from sticking to your skin.

Utilizing a wooden spoon, apply the wax to your skin toward the hairs. Put some waxing cloth on the wax, enable it to cool, and rip off. It has the same effect as a regular wax!
4. Potatoes and Lentils

Potatoes have acid that will lighten your body hair. Adding lentils will make the potato cure more powerful.


  • Potatoes

  • Yellow lentils

  • Lemon juice

  • Honey

Absorb the lentils in water during the night. In the morning, blend them in a blender to transform them into a thick glue. Smash one potato into the blend, and include 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Blend and apply the glue to your body. Following half an hour, flush it off.
5. Lemon and Sugar

The Vitamin C in lemon juice will give your skin the supplements expected to deliver elastin and collagen. It’s one of the most ideal approaches to dispose of body hair while keeping your skin sound!


  • Sugar

  • Lemons

You will require around 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Blend in ½ cup warm water and 2 tbsp. of sugar. Apply it toward the path that the hairs are confronting, and leave it for 20 minutes. You’ll feel your skin getting firm. Afterwards, wash it off with warm water. This will peel your skin and guarantee the blend is ingested into the follicles.

Rehash this cure a few times each week, and you’ll see the results.
6. Egg and Cornstarch


  • 1 egg

  • Sugar

  • Corn starch

Break the egg white into dish, and mix 1 tbsp. of sugar and ½ tbsp. of cornstarch. Blend well until it frames a thick glue. Apply the glue to your skin, let it dry for 20 minutes and peel it off!

All these ingredients can generally be found at home and they contain advantageous chemicals which don’t have any negative consequences for the body.

6 Ways To Naturally Remove Unwanted Body Hair Permanently - #hair #beauty #health #hairremove #body

Try the 28-Day Planking Challenge and Melt Belly Fat and More!

November 11, 2017 0 Comments
In today’s article we will present you a fat-burning exercise recommended by many fitness experts and most importantly it can replace 1000 sit-ups.

This exercise is called plank and it is the best static exercise that strengthens the core and other parts of your body. If you follow the plank challenge, you will burn belly fat, strengthen the back muscles, strengthen the buttock, leg and arm muscles.

You can slowly increase strength levels and plank timing each time you repeat it during 4 weeks with this challenge.

If you are ready to do this you should have a proper upright standing and position. Your upper part of the body must be straight in line with the elbows and toes, when they are slightly raised. Keep up this straight position, take deep breaths, and feel the stomach muscles get strong, along with the neck and head. When you contract the buttock muscles, equally divide the weight into both legs and elbows to have more strength and balance. When you achieve the right position, just upgrade each day to achieve the goal during 28 days.

Try the 28-Day Planking Challenge and Melt Belly Fat and More! #plank #fitness #challenge #health #abs #bellyfat #fat #reduce

The Challenge

Day 1- 20 seconds

Day 2- 20 seconds

Day 3- 30 seconds

Day 4-30 seconds

Day 5-40 seconds

Day 6-Rest

Day 7- 45 seconds

Day 8-45 seconds

Day 9-60 seconds

Day 10-60 seconds

Day 11- 60 seconds

Day 12- 90 seconds

Day 13-Rest

Day 14- 90 seconds

Day 15-90 seconds

Day 16- 120 seconds

Day 17-120 seconds

Day 18 -150 seconds

Day 19-Rest

Day 20- 150 seconds

Day 21- 150 seconds

Day 22-180 seconds

Day 23-180 seconds

Day 24-210 seconds

Day 25-Rest

Day 26-210 seconds

Day 27-240 seconds

Day 28- until failure

As you already know, it is of high importance to be physically active if you want to lose weight and be fit. Also, we advise you to avoid consuming fatty foods. A balanced diet and regular exercise will help you to get rid of excess weight and get the body you always dreamt of.

Mix baking soda with coconut oil and apply this cream on the face

November 11, 2017 0 Comments
Instead of spending a lot of money on products that don’t even help your skin and also contain ingredients full of chemicals, you can make a natural cream with just two ingredients you probably already have them: coconut oil and baking soda.

You will need:

– coconut oil
– baking soda


You must know what type of skin you have in order to know how much amount of these 2 ingredients you have to use.

For sensitive skin, use at least 2: 1 ratio coconut oil/ baking soda. If you need a natural scrub, use a ratio of 1: 1 coconut oil/baking soda.

All you have to do is to mix the ingredients together and apply the resulting cream on the skin. You can leave it as a mask for a few minutes or simply cleanse your face with warm water, using a circular movement.

Mix baking soda with coconut oil and apply this cream on the face - #beauty #face